Need a loan? A grant? New technology? A business plan? We'll help you get what you need to succeed.
There are many programs available to help businesses locating or expanding in Braddock, North Braddock, Rankin and Swissvale and their number and variety can be confusing. We're here to help—in addition to our own programs, the EZCB staff is thoroughly familiar with the range of opportunities at the state, federal, and county levels. We can help you make informed decisions about which programs and services will provide the most benefit for your business—without getting tangled in red tape.
In addition to consulting, our direct services include:
• Revolving loan fund
• Grants
To access the revolving loan guidelines, click on Loan Application.
To access the Image and Beautification Grant Application, click on Grant Application.
Revolving Loan Fund
EZCB low-interest loans stimulate business development and create new jobs. Projects can include acquiring land and buildings, renovations and infrastructure improvements, purchase of machinery and equipment, and building inventory and working capital.
The number of jobs to be created, especially for local residents, will be a factor in determining the amount of the loan. Loans can be up to 50% of the total project cost, with a maximum of $100,000; the loan must be secured with adequate collateral. The fixed interest rate is 4%. Return to Top of Page
Loan Fund Success Story: Enterprise Zone Business Loan Program
Revolving Loan Fund
The purpose of the Small Business and Building Investment Loan Program, administered by the Enterprise Zone Corp. of Braddock, is to stimulate investment in properties in the Boroughs of Braddock, North Braddock, Rankin and Swissvale. Return to Top of Page
Loan Fund Success Story: Small Business and Building Investment Loan Program
Revolving Loan Fund
Return to Top of Page
Loan Fund Success Story: Enterprise Zone Business Loan Program Guidelines
EZCB provides Image and Beautification grants for community projects, such as landscaping and cleanup activities. In addition, businesses located in an Enterprise Zone receive preference for technical assistance grants from Allegheny County and Pennsylvania, and we help companies secure those grants.
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Grant Success Story: Grant for Rankin Bridge Planting & Other Projects
To join EZCB, click here. |

"One-stop shopping" for what you need to succeed! Call EZCB at 412-371-6380