EZCB Grants
Success Story:
Grant for Rankin Bridge Planting & Other Projects

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Motorists driving near the Rankin Bridge from Spring through Fall are greeted by a stunning garden display that sweeps across a large grassy hillside. Funds for the irrigation system that makes the garden possible were provided by a grant from EZCB to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy.
For nearly a decade, EZCB's Image and Beautification Committee, collaborating with the TriBoro Development Forum and other local groups, has made grants and sponsored activities that enhance the look of the area's communities. Another example: the transformation of the Braddock municipal parking lot, once an unusable eyesore located at one of the Borough's busiest intersections. Resurfaced and nicely landscaped, the lot is today both functional and attractive. The $400,000 project was accomplished at no cost to the Borough.
In 2007 the EZCB provided a grant to North Braddock. North Braddock resident Chris Roland wanted to make his hometown a better place. He approached Borough officials, North Braddock CARES, Inc., the Enterprise Zone Corp. of Braddock and the Braddock Lions Club for help. With the approval of the Borough, funding from North Braddock CARES, the Enterprise Zone, and the Braddock Lions and volunteer support for landscaping improvements, three areas were improved. These improvements included constructing a split rail fence and the planting of flowers and shrubs. Mr. Roland said the North Braddock Fire Department has helped by watering these areas.
Enterprise Zone President Bill Pfoff commented, "We would like to congratulate Chris Roland on his initiative and support for his town. We have provided funding for beautification projects in our Enterprise Zone communities of Braddock, Rankin North Braddock and Swissvale".
Other grants provided through the Image and Beautification program include a grant of $1,000 to Braddock Borough for holiday banners; a grant of $500 to the Swissvale Crimewatch for holiday banners, and, recently, a grant in the amount of $1,000 to North Braddock CARES, Inc. for improvement activities throughout the community.
The EZCB welcomes other groups to apply for grants to improve the Enterprise Zone communities.