
October 17, 2014 Business Roundtable on Advancing Entrepreneurship in the Mon Valley

(10/21/2014) - On Friday, October 17, 2014 the Enterprise Zone serving Braddock, North Braddock, Rankin and Swissvale held a Business Roundtable at the Grand View Golf Club in North Braddock. The breakfast was attended by approximately 30 people.

This Business Roundtable featured the University of Pittsburgh's University Center for Social and Urban Research and Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellence promoting its Advancing Entrepreneurship in the Mon Valley Program. The Program provides entrepreneurial educational programs and consulting services to new, emerging and existing entrepreneurs in the Mon Valley. It also offers a range of programs for new entrepreneurs and existing business owners to develop and grow their business.

"The mission of this initiative is to create a pathway for potential small business owners in the Mon Valley to open and develop profitable enterprises within their communities and link those enterprises to public and private partnerships throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania" said Sabina Deitrick, Program Director of the University of Pittsburgh's Urban and Regional Analysis Program within the University Center for Social and Urban Research.

According to EZCB President William Pfoff, "Our Business Roundtables have been a great forum for businesses to learn about resources that are available to assist them. We were pleased to have the program on October 17th that is useful for existing businesses and prospective new businesses."

If you were unable to attend the breakfast, go to the program's website at To register for a specific program, call 412-624-3095 or e-mail

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