EZCB Loan Guaranty For Biofuel Stations
(05/01/2012) - The EZCB recently provided a second loan guaranty in the amount of $118,000 to Fossil Free Fuel LLC (FFF) of Braddock for the installation of biofuel stations. The loan guaranty enabled FFF to secure a loan from Enterprise Bank. These funds are being used to assist FFF with a grant the company has secured from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's Alternative Fuel Investment Program.
In the first phase of the project in 2010-11 biofuel stations were installed at the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank in Duquesne and at two locations in the City of Pittsburgh. Also, 57 vehicles were retrofitted with fossil-free technology.
In this current phase, a fueling station is to be built at Braddock Avenue and Second Street in Braddock and at the City of Pittsburgh Public Works facility at North Dallas and Hamilton Avenue in the City's East End.
FFF CEO Asa Watten said, "Without the Enterprise Zone's support and assistance we would not have been able to secure State funding."
According to EZCB President William Pfoff, "We assisted Fossil Free Fuel open its business in Braddock and with their initiative they're opening fueling stations around Allegheny County. Our assistance is part of our green development initiative to support emerging green businesses. Our Enterprise Zone incentives have helped other businesses like those recycling metals and tires."
FFF designs and manufactures fuel systems that enable diesel engines to operate on clean burning, renewable, plant-based fuels. The FFF system enables utilization of 100% concentration of biofuel rather than the current standard approach of blending 5%-20% with traditional petrofuel diesel. Users reduce their operating costs and petroleum useage, mitigate carbon emissions as well as virtually eliminate exposure to toxic diesel exhaust.
In October 2011 FFF received a Green Power Award from Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future.
For more information on FFF go to www.fossilfreefuel.com.