Mon Valley Sizzles Music & Food Fest September 16, 2017 at Carrie Furnace
(08/28/2017) - Have you been wanting to see the Carrie Furnace Site up close? Now you have your chance!
The Mon Valley Sizzles music and food fest will be held at the Carrie Furnace site on Saturday, September 16, 2017 beginning at 3:00 p.m.
The event will feature live music, food, drinks, and urban art tours - all showcasing the history and culture of the Mon Valley. The music includes Billy Price, House of Soul, Brownie Mary, Gathering Field, The Velcro Shoes, The Brass Roots, The Pillow Project, and, the Rankin Jr. Tamburitzans.
Proceeds benefit several Mon Valley non-profits that are making a difference - to feed the hungry, provide scholarships for higher education, support young people in need, promote educational resources and help bring health services to many who cannot afford them.
Go the website at for more information. Also follow news about the event on Facebook at