
Enterprise Zone Business Roundtable

(06/22/2015) - Economic development and business investment were the focus of discussion at the Enterprise Zone Business Roundtable on June 17th at the Grand View Golf Club in North Braddock. Business owners, economic development providers and local elected officials highlighted development activities in the Enterprise Zone comprised of Braddock, North Braddock, Rankin and Swissvale.

In the past year and a half there has been more development investment in the Enterprise Zone than in decades. Evan Indianer of Unicentric, a software company, and Matt Katase of The Brew Gentlemen have opened businesses in Braddock in the past year. They noted the energy and development momentum taking place in the area. Robert Hurley, Executive Director of the Allegheny County Department of Economic Development outlined redevelopment activities at the Carrie Furnace Site in Rankin and Swissvale.

Julie Grose, Swissvale Councilwoman and Enterprise Zone Board Member, discussed the marketing efforts in Swissvale and Braddock through a real estate professional and the on-going revitalization and public improvements in Swissvale business development. Ms. Grose challenged the attendees to "tell our story" and how they can become leaders to bring change to the area. The new Swissvale Farmers Market held on Saturdays is an example of people coming together to attract hundreds of people to the Swissvale business district.

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