Enterprise Zone Assists Marketing of Business Properties
(05/29/2015) - The Enterprise Zone serving Braddock, North Braddock, Rankin and Swissvale recently awarded a $10,000 grant to the Mon Valley Initiative (MVI) for the marketing of properties in the Swissvale and Braddock business districts. MVI, in turn, will contract with Mark Harvey Smith, a real estate broker and community consultant to develop a real estate marketing plan in those communities.
The primary marketing strategy, which builds on a comprehensive building inventory and outreach to property owners, is a community specific website with detailed information and resources specific to property available for lease or purchase in Swissvale and Braddock. Mr. Smith also offers familiarity with market analysis, business plan assistance, knowledge of business insurance needs, and local zoning ordinances in order to provide direction to prospective new owners. Most importantly, this grant provides a single, accountable point person with established credentials in commercial real estate, community development and emerging communities, to serve as a primary contact and conduit for interest in property on Braddock Avenue. Mr. Smith can be contacted at 412-585-2227.
The marketing effort in Braddock is a continuation of one that has taken place over the past few years that resulted in new businesses and business expansion. The new initiative in Swissvale is part of comprehensive improvements that have and are taking place in the business district that have included streetscape improvements along Washington and Noble Streets.
William Pfoff, EZCB President said, "We're pleased to partner with the Mon Valley Initiative and the Swissvale and Braddock communities on this initiative. Based upon what we've witnessed in Braddock where there's been millions of dollars of new investment, we anticipate increased economic activity in Braddock, Swissvale, North Braddock and Rankin in our Enterprise Zone."
The website for commercial properties in Braddock is:
braddockpacommercialproperties.com/. To link to the website from this site, click on "In The Zone", then click on "Important Contacts", then click on "General Contacts" then "Available Braddock Commercial Properties".
The website for commercial properties in Swissvale is http://swissvalepacommercialproperties.com/