Enterprise Zone Holds 28th Annual Dinner
(12/19/2014) - The EZCB held its 28th Annual Dinner on December 4th at the Grand View Golf Club. More than 40 public and private sector representatives attended the event that featured Chef Kevin Sousa as guest speaker. Mr. Sousa discussed his Superior Motors 15104, LLC restaurant project he's developing at 1215 Braddock Avenue in Braddock. North Braddock's Chris Roland was recognized by the group for his community improvement efforts.
This year was a banner year for the EZCB. Five loans were authorized and an Enterprise Zone tax credit was secured for Trek Development's new commercial building in Braddock representing over $1.1 million in financing assistance leveraging millions of dollars of private investment. These projects are creating over 50 new jobs.
Pictured: Michael Aldrich, EZCB Vice President, Chef Kevin Sousa and EZCB President Bill Pfoff.